What does the Bible teach about our mission to call people to follow Jesus and become like Him?
How have we seen God's mission advanced through history?
Which strategies are being used and can be used to reach the world for Christ, including in your own neighborhood?
How does our culture influence the methods and means we use to make disciples of all nations?
These and many other questions are addressed in a 9-session course called "Kairos."
"The Kairos Course is a foundational course on world Christian mission. It brings out God’s heart for all the nations of the world and His desire to use His people to be a blessing to them. KAIROS emphasizes the importance of ministering to cultures that still have few or no indigenous churches" (quoted from https://simplymobilizing.com/k...).
An online version of the Kairos Course is now available through Zoom, and will begin in September. For more details please click HERE.
For questions, please contact Pastor Andy at andrew.mcclellan[at]damascuscc.org