Current Volunteer Opportunities Available

hands raised

To volunteer in any of these ministries, or to get further information, please let us know.

To volunteer with children/youth, click here for information on the background check process.

Sunday Greeters

Be the welcoming face of DCC! Opportunities are available for greeting before, during and after Sunday worship gatherings.  This is one of the most essential Sunday ministries.  Reposted 2/20/22

Sunday Morning Children's Ministry

There is no more important mission field than the next generation! Volunteers are needed as classroom teachers, assistants, substitutes, greeters, and nursery workers. A background check is required: click HERE for details. Contact Angela Karch for more information.

Sunday Morning Coffee Team

Volunteers are needed to make coffee Sunday morning for community groups. Contact Bruce Davis to serve in this much-appreciated ministry!

Sunday Tech Team

Volunteers are needed to run slides, sound board, and video.  No previous skills required.  We will train you!  Contact Jason Overstreet to serve in this vital ministry! Reposted 10/11/21

Worship Set Up / Tear Down

If you are interested in being involved in the worship team, but don't sing or play an instrument, we'd love to have you join us as a member of the set-up and tear-down team. Set-up begins Fridays (or the occasional Saturday) with tear-down Sunday afternoons. If you'd like to be part of this behind-the-scenes ministry, please contact Jason Overstreet or call 503-658-3179. Posted 4/15/22